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Chicken Paprika

There is an updated version of this post here .

This is (as far as I can remember) basically a recipe from the old Joy of Cooking. I started making this in college, probably about 24 years ago, and it's so simple and tasty I keep making it, despite misplacing that ancient copy of Joy of Cooking.

Season chicken breast with salt, pepper, and garlic powder.

Dice an onion and finely chop garlic to taste. For one breast (one serving), I use about a half a medium onion and two small garlic cloves.

Sautée the onions until soft, then push out of the way and lightly brown the chicken breasts on both sides.

Add chicken broth . Add 1 tbsp. paprika or more. Ideally, add a mixture of hot and sweet Hungarian paprika to taste. Cover, and cook for several minutes until the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 160°F.

Remove the chicken to a warmed platter.

Reduce the broth.

Add sour cream to make a sauce. Add salt and pepper to taste.


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