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What I ate: December 18, 2010

Breakfast: 2 pancakes, 3 slices of Vermont Smoke and Cure bacon and 0.5 oz. Vermont maple syrup.

Snack: An empire apple.

Lunch: Turkey (3.0 oz.) and Napa cabbage stir-fry with rice.

Dinner: Thai-style pork. 3.0 oz. roasted pork, green pepper, onion, Serano pepper, cilantro, cooked in toasted sesame oil with hot pepper sesame oil and red chili garlic sauce. This time I removed some of the ribs and seeds from the Serano peppers so my lips are still tingling but my mouth is not on fire like the last time. Served with Schmitt Söhne Riesling.

Dessert: 1 square of Lake Champlain dark chocolate raspberry truffle and two glasses of Sebastiani zinfandel.

Weight at beginning of the day: 111.0 lbs. Weight at the beginning of the next day: 110.8  lbs.

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