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What I ate: August 28, 2011

Breakfast: Homemade whole wheat bagel with 2.0 oz. lox, cream cheese, tomato and red onion. Actually, that's Vermont Butter and Cheese goat cheese because my cream cheese looked weird and going out to get cream cheese in a hurricane seemed like a bad idea.

Lunch: Bacon , lettuce and tomato sandwich. On one slice of Barowski's wheat bread, cut in half. With mayo. And Kettle Chips barbecue potato chips.

Dinner: A random assortment of Doritos, potato chips and French onion dip, chocolate, wine and beer. Though I lost power (and Internet) between the gas stove and the generator I could have cooked anything, but didn't.

Weight at beginning of the day: 109.4 lbs. Weight at the beginning of the next day: 108.4 lbs.

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