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Pasta with zucchini and garlic scape pesto

Yesterday I made a delicious garlic scape and basil pesto so I needed to come up with a recipe to use it. I decided to sauté some zucchini and add that to whole wheat penne pasta and combine that with the garlic scape pesto, a little olive oil and a little Parmesan cheese. It was delicious!

Prepare 2.0 oz. whole wheat penne pasta per serving.

Dice a small zucchini or half of a large zucchini per serving. Maybe a little less.

Mince a glove of garlic. This might not be necessary because the garlic scapes are pretty garlicy on their own.

Finely chop some fresh flat leaf parsley and fresh basil. This is probably optional.

Here's the mise en place:

Heat a sauté pan over medium-low heat. Add a little olive oil, the zucchini and garlic and sauté until softened. Add salt, pepper and red pepper flakes.

Remove from the heat and add the drained pasta. Add the garlic scape pesto. Season with salt and pepper. Add the chopped fresh parsley and basil. Combine well.

Plate then microplate a little Parmesan cheese over the top. Serve.

This dish is delicious and quite healthy. It's vegetarian.

There's Parmesan in both the pesto and sprinkled on top so it's not vegan, and I think it's a good flavor to have, but certainly it could be omitted to make it vegan.

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