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Tostones (fried green plantains)

These were pretty good!

I started with a green plantain. I actually was planning on making regular fried plantains, but when I looked up how to do it, I realized there's a different process for green plantains, so I went with that.

Peeled and sliced. I could probably have sliced them a little thinner, which would have made the resulting product more potato-chip like.

Here they are pan frying in about a half inch of oil at 360°F, one minute on each side.

To get them out of the pan I used my mesh fryer scoop thing combined with a spoon, since, unlike the deep fryer, there isn't enough depth to just scoop them all out.

Apparently the difference between fried green plantains and regular plantains is that you flatten out the green ones. The tool to do it is a tostonera but I used a mallet.

Back into the fryer for another one minute per side and that's it! Salt and serve. Quite tasty.

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