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What I ate: February 14, 2011

Breakfast: Homemade blueberry muffin , 3 slices of Vermont Smoke and Cure bacon. Both were previously frozen. I added a glass of grapefruit juice today, since that might help with the cold.

Though the 11 hours of sleep, 4 hours of naps and NyQuill/DayQuill regimen probably didn't hurt, either.

Lunch: Homemade chicken soup with soba noodles and spinach. And rice and furikake.

Snack: 0.7 oz. potato chips and dip.

Dinner: Crumb pork chops (previously frozen) with rice and sautéed cabbage.

And 3.0 oz. Doritos. The Doritos need to go away. Soon.

Weight at beginning of the day: 112.0 lbs. Weight at the beginning of the next day: 112.6 lbs.

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