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Beef chili with beans

This is just chili from the grocery store, but I created a page so I can remember the nutrition facts for it.

I prefer my homemade Chili with beef and vegetables #2 but that's a lot more work to make.

Package is 20 oz. (567 g), but is 2.5 servings. A suggested serving of 1 cup (8.6 oz., 245 g) is inconvenient because of the partial serving leftover.

| Oz | Grams | Calories | Description | | ---: | ---: | ---: | :--- | | 20 oz. | 567 g | 560 cal | Full package | | 12.8 oz. | 362 g | 358 cal | Dinner serving (see below) | | 10 oz. | 284 g | 336 cal| Half package | | 8.6 oz. | 245 g | 290 cal | Suggested serving | | 1.4 oz. | 40 g | 40 cal | For chili cheese hot dog |

The main options are:

Here it is packaged as 10.0 oz, 8.5 oz. and 1.5 oz.

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