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What I ate: June 21, 2011

Breakfast: Blueberry muffin and bacon . The muffin was from the batch where I forgot to add the baking powder, so it's quite a bit flatter than usual, but still tasty.

Lunch: Twice cooked pork with scallions and broccoli. And rice.

Dinner: Lemon, lime and chili pepper marinated grilled shrimp soft taco on a multi-grain tortilla with salsa fresca and lettuce. And 1.0 oz. tortilla chips and more salsa fresca. And a Saranac lager.

And 2 glasses of Hacidenda Los Hardoldos Malbec, 2007.

Snack: 0.8 oz. peanuts.

Weight at beginning of the day: 110.2 lbs. Weight at the beginning of the next day: 109.4 lbs.

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