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What I ate: December 14, 2013

Breakfast: French toast and bacon . Both the bacon and the wheat French bread French toast were previously made a frozen, so it's just a quick 8 minute reheat on a sheet pan in a 350°F oven.

Snack: 1.0 oz. Sriracha chex mix . And a spicy Blood Mary .

Cooked and froze 2 pounds of bacon .

Mom sent me home with a zip-lock bag full of frozen raw salmon, so I divided it up, vacuum sealed and froze it.

Lunch: Bacon, cheddar and potato chowder (new recipe). With homemade ciabatta bread (previously frozen).

Snack: 1.0 oz. Wavy Lays potato chips with bacon and horseradish sour cream dip.

Dinner: Grilled chicken Caesar salad with romaine lettuce, Drew's Caesar dressing and anchovies. With a homemade whole wheat and oat dinner roll (previously frozen), with butter. There should have been some croutons, but I forgot them.

And 2 glasses of Norton malbec.

Snack: 1/8 cup air-popped popcorn with butter and salt.

Weight at beginning of the day: 127.8 lbs. Weight at the beginning of the next day: 127.8 lbs.

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