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What I ate: August 22, 2014

Breakfast: Chorizo breakfast burrito with chorizo, onion, green pepper, jalapeƱo, and egg. Reheat of the filling I cooked Tuesday in a freshly heated whole wheat tortilla.

Snack: 1.0 oz. Sriracha chex mix .

Walked 2.58 miles in 44:32.

Lunch: Veggie sausage and green pepper stir-fry .

Snack: 1.0 oz. potato chips and bacon and horseradish sour cream dip.

Dinner: Whole wheat pasta with zucchini, tomato and prosciutto and a salad.

Salad with two kinds of lettuce, carrot, cucumber, and tomato from the CSA, celery and red onion, with Annie's Tuscany Italian dressing and Olivia's garlic and butter croutons.

And 2 glasses of La Puerta malbec.

Dessert: Strawberries and blueberries.

Weight at beginning of the day: 127.4 lbs. Weight at the beginning of the next day: 127.4 lbs

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