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What I ate: March 31, 2011

Breakfast: 2 pancakes , made fresh today, 0.5 oz. Vermont maple syrup and 3 slices of Vermont Smoke and Cure bacon (previously made and frozen and reheated on the griddle). I made a batch of 9 pancakes, so I have three servings to be frozen and vacuum sealed for a quick breakfast in the future. And one left over. I'm not sure what to do with that one.

Lunch: Beef with broccoli and scallions. And rice.

Snack: 2.7 oz. yogurt, maple syrup, 0.8 oz. granola, fresh blueberries (left over from making blueberry muffins ).

Dinner: 2 slices of Positive Pie carcass pizza: pepperoni, sausage, meatballs and mushroom. It's half of a "personal" sized pizza, previously frozen and reheated for 12 minutes at 400°F on a sheet pan. And 2 glasses of Las Rocas of San Alejandro garancha, Spain 2008.

Dessert: 1 square of Lake Champlain dark chocolate raspberry truffle.

Snack: 0.7 oz. pretzels. 0.7 oz. peanuts. A chocolate chip cookie . And 0.7 oz. Madhouse Munchies sour cream and onion potato chips.

Even though I theoretically sit at a desk all day, I figured I probably walk quite a bit between walking around the house doing things, errands around town (that I almost always walk for) and walking Roscoe. So I got a pedometer . And the answer is: Yes, I walk a lot. 13,150 steps today.

Apparently, sedentary is less than 5,000 steps, the goal for being active is over 10,000, and above 12,500 is highly active. 

Now this is probably a little higher than average because on Thursdays I clean my house and volunteer at a soup kitchen which takes away from my sitting at my desk time. But still, that's a lot of steps. I still probably shouldn't have had that pizza and the snacks, however.

Steps: 13,150 Weight at beginning of the day: 111.8 lbs. Weight at the beginning of the next day: 113.2 lbs.

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