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What I ate: December 18, 2011

Breakfast: Homemade bagel, lox, cream cheese, tomato and red onion . And a mimosa.

Snack: 1.0 oz. Sriracha Chex Mix .

Lunch: Nachos with beef, black beans, jalapeƱos and cheddar cheese and homemade guacamole . And a Saranac lager.

Dinner: Iron Chef Chinese buffet with Mom and Dad.

Snack: Evil popcorn. Every year Mom and Dad send a tub of Popcorn Factory popcorn (plain, cheese and caramel). And two more bowls like this. As I said, it's evil.

And 2 glasses of Zynthesis zinfandel.

Weight at beginning of the day: 115.4 lbs.

Weight at the beginning of the next day: 116.4 lbs. 

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