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What I ate: August 1, 2012

Breakfast: Chorizo breakfast burrito with chorizo, onion, green pepper, jalapeƱo, and egg.

Snack: 1.0 oz. Sriracha chex mix .

Lunch: Pizza. Two slices, one quarter, of a small (12") pepperoni and mushroom pizza, previously frozen. And a Saranac Adirondack lager.

CSA Week #9 !

Snack: 0.8 oz. peanuts.

Dinner: Sushi regular at Mt. Fuji Japanese restaurant in Oneonta, NY, with Mom and my nephew. Much better than Tokyo Tavern last week . Well, there was a lot more food last week, but the quality was much better this week.

Weight at beginning of the day: 121.2 lbs. Weight at the beginning of the next day: 121.2 lbs.

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