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What I ate: May 3, 2013

Breakfast: Chorizo breakfast burrito with chorizo, onion, green pepper, jalapeƱo, and egg. Reheat of the filling from Wednesday in a freshly heated tortilla.

Cooked and froze 2 pounds of bacon.

Made a batch of blueberry muffins. Since I only eat one blueberry muffin per week, I only make a half dozen at a time so  they don't sit in the freezer for months.

Made a batch of sriracha Chex mix. That's about a 1 month supply at 1.0 oz. per day. The vacuum sealed jars keep it fresher than the bag; as the bag runs low I open a jar and add it to the bag.

Snack: 1.0 oz. Sriracha chex mix .

Walked to the Village Variety, about 1.6 miles.

A small Spicy V-8, no vodka.

Lunch: Sardines, spinach and rice .

Snack: 3 Late July organic crackers with Cabot extra sharp cheddar cheese and a half glass of Kono New Zealand sauvignon blanc. And, later, 0.7 oz. peanuts.

Dinner: Steak au poivre with fresh asparagus.

And 2 glasses of LaPaccio primitivo (Italian zinfandel).

Dessert: 1 square of Ghiradelli intense dark sea salt soiree chocolate bar.

Weight at beginning of the day: 122.0 lbs. Weight at the beginning of the next day: 121.4 lbs.

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