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What I ate: October 22, 2014

Breakfast: Chorizo breakfast burrito with chorizo, onion, green pepper, jalapeƱo, and egg. Reheat of the filling I cooked Tuesday in a freshly heated tortilla.

Snack: 1.0 oz. Sriracha chex mix .

Lunch: Beef with scallion and broccoli stir-fry .

Vacuum marinated a London broil in homemade teriyaki marinade for grilled teriyaki London broil .

Cleaned and diced a cantaloupe.

Made a batch of salsa fresca for tonight's dinner.

Dinner: Grilled chicken quesadilla

With a Sierra Nevada pale ale.

And, later, 2 glasses of Bota Box old vine zinfandel. And cantaloupe.

Weight at beginning of the day: 126.8 lbs. Weight at the beginning of the next day: 126.0 lbs.

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