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What I ate: May 2, 2024

Breakfast: Ham, egg and cheese English muffin sandwich (updated post).

Prepped for lunch.

Baked a package of croissants from Wildgrain (updated recipe). This time I used the Breville Smart Oven instead of my regular oven and it worked!

Snack: Freshly baked croissant and a coffee with Jameson.

Prepped for dinner.

Snack: 1.0 oz. Sriracha chex mix. 0.8 oz. peanuts (136 cal).

Made a batch of Sriracha chex mix.

Lunch: Spicy tuna salad croissant. Salad with lettuce mix, cucumber, tomato, and ranch dressing.

Snack: Popcorn, Orville Redenbacher's movie theater butter mini-bag, 42 g, 5 cups, 210 cal.

Snack: 3 cracked pepper and olive oil Triscuits with spicy beer cheddar cheese. Half glass of Bota Box sauvignon blanc.

Dinner: Chili crisp fettuccine alfredo with chicken and spinach. Slice of Wildgrain olive oil ciabatta bread. Half glass of Bota Box sauvignon blanc.

Weight at beginning of the day: 135.0 lbs. Weight at the beginning of the next day: 135.0 lbs.

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