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What I ate: August 19, 2012

Breakfast: Bagel, lox and cream cheese on a homemade whole wheat bagel with tomato and red onion.

Snack: 1.0 oz. Sriracha chex mix .

Lunch: Sausage and green pepper stir-fry with rice.

Went for a walk around town, 2.34 miles in 41:33.

Snack: 1.0 oz. tortilla chips and homemade guacamole . And a Saranac Adirondack lager.

And 0.5 oz. pretzels and a Saranac pale ale.

Dinner: Iron Chef Chinese buffet with Mom and Dad. If you haven't noticed, I eat almost exactly the same thing every week , even though it's a pretty big buffet. So this week I actually made a point of eating something completely different with none of the items I regularly eat!

Weight at beginning of the day: 120.6 lbs. Weight at the beginning of the next day: 122.6 lbs.

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